Need cash for your future payments? You have come to the right place. At Strategic Capital we get most of our clients through professional referrals. That is, attorneys and other settlement professionals refer their clients to us when changes in life might require cash for your future payments. We have an excellent relationships with many attorneys who have clients with post-settlement financial problems and are considering selling payments. Sadly, the entire factoring industry does not have such a good reputation.
In fact, the one issue that comes up when we talk with our legal colleagues is how poorly companies clients who need cash for your future payments are treated by the factoring industry and by other companies.
Making the Decision to Sell Payments
At Strategic Capital, we agree that a structured settlement is a valuable asset that provides a solid financial foundation for clients. Such regular payments gives them something to count on in financially difficult and uncertain times. But, when that client’s life changes and they need flexibility, they may find that their best option is to sell some of those payments to meet current challenges.
Working with Clients – Not Against Them
When a client starts shopping in the factoring market for a buyer they are often exposed to some pretty rough tactics. Clients who need cash for your future payments often have to fend off insistent television ads, relentless letters and endless telephone calls from companies intent on making money off of their payments, no matter what the cost to the client. It’s sad, but we hear the same stories from legal professionals and our own customer service team about the aggressive, intrusive and even harassing behavior by other companies.
We don’t do that – it’s not our style.
Strategic Capital – A Cut above the Competition
When it comes to how we treat our clients, there’s no comparison between Strategic Capital and the competition – it’s not even close. Here’s why:
- We don’t take advantage of our clients with predatory advertising. In fact, we do not even advertise on television.
- We actually spend time talking with our clients to understand their needs, both short and long term.
- We help our clients determine whether it makes sense to access other sources of funds. We offer suggestions to ensure that they have explored all of their options.
- We will tell our clients when it doesn’t make sense to sell any of their structured settlement payments. Yes, sometimes we recommend against selling payments!
- We offer a variety of options, including selling only partial payments. We also ensure that our clients know that they can always sell more payments in the future.
- We give our clients the time they need to make an informed decision. We don’t badger them.
But, what we are most proud of at Strategic Capital is our long and strong working relationship with the legal community. Because we work on referrals from professionals, we uphold their trust to treat clients well. We wouldn’t do business any other way.
If you need cash for your future payments, or simply want to find out more about how we treat our clients and work towards solutions, send a note to or call toll free:
Ric Perez is our Vice-President who oversees clients in the west and Strategic Capital is our Vice President who oversees clients in the east. Ric can be reached directly at or
1-866-821-6108 and Cam can be reached directly at or
1-866-241-6111. Feel free to call them anytime to find out more about how we help our clients.