If you are considering a structured settlement cash payout then you should know that in 2011, the President of the Consumers Attorneys of California (CAOC), an association of over 3,500 attorneys who represent consumers who are suing others for wrongdoing, recommended Strategic Capital for any clients needing to sell their structured settlements for cash.
In a recent letter distributed to CAOC colleagues by CAOC President John A. Montevideo he suggested Strategic Capital Corporation if a structure needs to be sold. Montevideo wrote specifically that, “Strategic Capital is an annuity purchase organization that operates in a principled fashion and that is open to feedback. That is why CAOC suggests Strategic Capital if a structure needs to be sold.”
An Important Endorsement
As a general rule, CAOC does not support structured settlement cash payout for their clients. Thus, this endorsement of Strategic Capital by CAOC is extremely important and meaningful. After asking Strategic Capital many questions about our structured settlement cash payout practices and customer service, and many months of deliberation, the CAOC Board decided that they felt comfortable recommending Strategic Capital to their members – this is a major “thumbs up” to Strategic Capital, validating our commitment to helping our clients make the best decisions for their individual situation.
What CAOC Considered
During their deliberations about whether to offer Strategic Capital their association’s endorsement, the CAOC board had to assure themselves that we did not engage in predatory practices which means that we do not try to aggressively convince people to sell their payments even when they didn’t really need to.
They also had to feel confident that Strategic Capital does not lowball customers, encouraging them to sell their payments for too little money.
By the end of the process the CAOC representatives knew that Strategic Capital is a caring company that puts our clients first and recommended us for clients who need a structured settlement cash payout.
You are Safe with Strategic Capital
The CAOC, the largest organization of its kind in California, recognizes that while structured settlements are intended to serve a purpose, sometimes things change. But for CAOC, going so far as to recommend a structured settlement purchasing company was a challenge, one that they did not take lightly. In the end they chose to endorse Strategic Capital because they felt that for those clients that have good reason to get a structured settlement cash payout, Strategic Capital is the right company to work with.
CAOC recommended Strategic Capital for the following five reasons, according to their president:
- Strategic Capital isn’t just about making money; we actually work with clients to find other ways to get the money they need before selling their settlement.
- At Strategic Capital, we try to set it up so that our clients will still be able to pay their rent or mortgage after the sale, and that selling their payments won’t compromise their entire life and family safety.
- Strategic Capital has an upper limit on the rates that we charge, a rate that is usually much lower than most credit card interest rates.
- Strategic Capital agreed to include a message from CAOC in all structured sale packages in California; this message recommends against selling settlement payments.
- Strategic Capital buys only the portion of structured settlement payments that they need to in order to meet the client’s cash needs.
In short, the CAOC recognized that Strategic Capital works on principles and with a concern for their clients. Thus, when a structured settlement cash payout is needed, CAOC recommends Strategic Capital. If you are considering selling a structured settlement, or referring one of your clients whose life has changed and now needs to access their settlement cash, you can rest assured that Strategic Capital has a reputation for excellent, honest service.