Size Does Bring Some Advantages
Now, that being said, when it comes to selling a structured settlement JG Wentworth is not a bad buyer of structured settlement payments simply because it is large. This is a situation where size is not an indicator of value. The fact that they buy a lot of settlements is more testament to their pushiness, advertising tactics and aggression than ethics or customer service. Yet, you do want to choose a company that is large enough, and has been around long enough, to know the business, be able to fund your purchase, and be prepared to accurately advise you and represent you. So size is but one small factor to consider.
Strategic Capital is a big enough buyer of structured settlement payments to serve you, but small enough to give you the personalized service that you deserve. Strategic Capital, in fact, is one of the largest financiers in the private cash flow market, having bought more than 1.5 billion dollars’ worth of payments. And they did this without advertising. All with word of mouth. They have a good reputation and that is what matters.
When it comes to selling a structured settlement loan rates and size are not the only thing to consider, as you have read throughout this structured settlement guide. Call Strategic Capital now and see how we can help you make the best decision for your individual situation.