Getting the most value from your current settlement payments: Find a buyer of structured settlement annuity who wants you to be educated and make the right financial choices
Structured settlements law allows you to sell your payments, but does that mean it is the best thing for you? Actually, the best way to handle your finances is to make the most of your existing structured settlement payments. A caring buyer of structured settlement annuity payments, Strategic Capital wants to help you make the best financial decisions possible. We know that by learning to leverage the money that you receive and plan for the future you can make your financial world a better place. This involves creating a budget, learning to live off cash, buying “needs” and not “wants”, and more.
Of course, if you do sell your settlement payments you will need to make a solid financial plan to manage that as well.
If you do not have the money saved to manage life’s curve balls then this means that you need help – you are a poor money manager. That’s okay. The past is behind you – what you need to do now is make a change for the future. You need to educate yourself and make a change in your habits.