Crazy Statement #3: Your Money Will Be Worth Less Later
One important consideration when someone wants to buy structured settlements from you is the time value of money. That is, the idea that your future money is worth less than money today. This is part of the discount rate calculation and part of the reason that your sale will net you less cash than you would get through those future payments. Yet, some companies try to twist this around and make it a reason to sell.
Liberty Settlement Funding, on their website, wrote that inflation was a reason to sell payments. They asserted that your money loses value over time and that having the money in hand now is better than having it in the future. But they don’t go on to say how much less you will receive for later payments because of that time value decrease. Sure, the money is worth more now, but you will get less of it exactly for that reason and you lose more than you would lose from simple inflation. The presentation of the information is misleading and unethical.
The fact is that yes, according to structured settlement watchdog and seller advocate John Darer, money in hand today does have more purchasing power. But that is not a reason to sell your settlement. You should sell your settlement only if you have an immediate need.