2016 - $161 Billion

Size of Secondary Market in Relation To Size of Overall Structured Settlement Market

A Towers Perrin study reported that in 2006 $161 billion was paid to injury victims and their attorneys. If one assumes that one third of this amount represents contingency fees then approximately $107 billion is paid to plaintiffs each year.

Sell Structured Settlement Payments: When It’s The Right Thing To Do?

“Sell structured settlement payments”- this phrase, by itself, may not mean much to the average person. But put them together into a statement like:

“I plan to sell my structured settlement payments”

-and they create a controversial, emotionally loaded topic.

How to Sell a Structured Settlement and Get the Money in 18 Days

In what may be the world’s fastest closing time ever for a structured settlement transfer, Strategic Capital Corporation recently funded an annuitant in :

18 days from start to finish.


[gva_call_to_action title=”Speak with Our Experts” button_align=”button-center” subtitle=”We are working hard to” width=”1000px” link=”tel:866.256.0088″ text_link=”Call Now” quick_text=”+866.256.0088″ el_class=”cta-smaller-title”]We genuinely care about your happiness. Selling your settlement is a big decision that will impact your life now and in the future. That’s why we encourage you to speak with one of our experts. Get a second opinion if necessary. We’ll be here when you need us.[/gva_call_to_action]