The Benefits of Selling South Carolina Settlement Payments with Strategic Capital
Most of our potential customers approach us because they’re feeling a financial pinch. Maybe unexpected medical expenses arose. Maybe a life change dictates that you move but you need money to put toward a home in your new area. Maybe you need help to catch up on your mortgage payments. Countless reasons can lead to you needing or wanting liquid money now.
We aim to help individuals in this exact situation. But don’t assume that if you make an appointment with us, you’ll end up selling your settlement. In fact, many people approach us wanting to sell their settlement but, upon analyzing their financial situation, we help them see that it’s not a good idea to sell.
Additionally, we usually don’t buy all your future structured settlement payments in South Carolina. We know that your settlement was carefully structured to provide you with financial comfort over time. To protect that, we help you determine the right number of payments to sell in order to get the money you need now while preserving as much of the settlement as possible. In fact, about 85% of our transactions involve us buying only part of the structure and leaving the rest for your future benefit. In this way, we help customers meet their current needs while protecting their future.